• 24-27 February 2025
• 10-14 March 2025
• 7-11 April 2025
• 5-9 May 2025
Online (open)
Be a SPECIFIC dancer

LIVE & ONLINE auditions to access SPECIFIC 25/26.
You can apply by filling out the form at the bottom of this page.
You can apply to access
international advanced dance program
directed by Loris Petrillo,
School of Art recognized by Lazio Region
with a cast of guest teachers & choreographers
within Loris Petrillo Program,
the Company project dedicated to contemporary dance education
organized with Anonima Teatri
The access is for a limited number of participants.
You can choose between live and online audition.
To apply, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

Book your live audition
February - May 2025
The access is after video selection. The candidates selected will take part in a daily class with the SPECIFIC dancers.
In agreement with the Director, you can choose a date among those indicated:
• 24-27 February 2025
• 10-14 March 2025
• 7-11 April 2025
• 5-9 May 2025
To apply, fill out the form.
If you want to directly get in touch with the energy and the environment of the program, with the reality of SPECIFIC, its dancers and its staff.
Online audition
To apply, you can simply fill a form and send your video
Send here your application
For dancers who, due to long and expensive movements (e.g. foreign dancers) or work commitments or other, can not reach us in presence.
Book your live audition
February - May 2025
The access is after video selection. The selected candidates selected will take part in a daily class with the SPECIFIC dancers.
In agreement with the Director, you can choose a date among those indicated:
• 24-28 February 2025
• 10-14 March 2025
• 7-11 April 2025
• 5-9 May 2025
To apply, fill out the form .
For dancers who want to directly get in touch with the energy and the environment of the course, with the reality of SPECIFIC, its dancers and its staff.
Online audition
To apply, you can simply fill a form and send your video
Send here your application
For dancers who, due to long and expensive movements (e.g. foreign dancers) or work commitments or other, can not reach us in presence.
Who is it for
call for dancers aged 18 and over who desire to enter advanced professional training in contemporary dance, expand their artistic, technical and performative background and embark on the professional career.
The program lasts for 3 years and you can attend 1, 2 or 3 years
If you want to discover the teachers hosted in the past years, please check this page.

For those who attend the 1st year:
- The program lasts 9 months, from September 2024 to May 2025
- SCHOLARSHIPS up to a maximum of 1.100€
- Guest teachers & choreographers invited during the year
- Performance
- 780 hours ca.
For those who attend the 2nd year in 2025:
- possibility to receive additional economic benefits
- integrative activities:
- Repertoire of the choreographer Loris Petrillo and his Company
- Bo.A.T. Botteghe Anonima Teatri
multidisciplinary professional training program
In addition, they may have the possibility to be selected for:
- PYC Petrillo Young Company
Exclusively at the discretion of the Direction of Compagnia Petrillo Danza, they could be part of the young company - Compagnia Petrillo Danza
Exclusively at the discretion of the Direction of Compagnia Petrillo Danza and upon audition, they could be selected as an intern of the company - Cie Twain
Upon request and at the discretion of the Direction of Cie Twain, they could obtain the access to the summer internship of the Company, starting from the end of the program 24/25 until August 2025, according to the rehearsals schedule.
For those who attend the 3rd year in 2025:
- possibility to receive additional economic benefits
- integrative activities:
- Repertoire of the choreographer Loris Petrillo and his Company
- Bo.A.T. Botteghe Anonima Teatri
multidisciplinary professional training program
In addition, they may have the possibility to be selected for:
- PYC Petrillo Young Company
Exclusively at the discretion of the Direction of Compagnia Petrillo Danza, they could be part of the young company - Compagnia Petrillo Danza
Exclusively at the discretion of the Direction of Compagnia Petrillo Danza and upon audition, they could be selected as an intern of the company - Cie Twain
Upon request and at the discretion of the Direction of Cie Twain, they could obtain the access to the summer internship of the Company, starting from the end of the program 24/25 until August 2025, according to the rehearsals schedule.
During the auditions, the director will give SCHOLARSHIPS up to a maximum of 1.100€
NB. After filling out the form, if you didn't receive any news in 7 days,
contact us writing to specific.training.dancers@gmail.com
There is no deadline for submitting applications, registrations will close when the expected number of participants will be reached. That’s why, since the course is limited and sold out every year, we recommend that you apply as soon as possible to book your place.
I discovered the program online, on Instagram, and then I saw videos of the performances. I really enjoy this type of movement and it was always something that I wanted to work on a little more, like floorwork, a more dynamic movement, and then I decided to come and try it out and I'm loving it.
Nothing is ever done against our body, it is always in favor of it, and there is a very progressive work.
I see a huge improvement in myself and that's why I know it works and that it's worth it
Catarina Ramos Nunes
20 years old - Portugal - SPECIFIC dancer 22/24
I think this is a wonderful place where you can develop not only as a dancer but also as a person.
For me, this is a very important experience, because I can't imagine a dancer without a strong persona. And this place, Loris approach to the movement allowed me to understand that I can be completely myself. That not only by training the body but also by fulfilling my soul and my personality, I can achieve very good results.
So I decided to stay here for a second year because I noticed a huge progress.
Ugnė Kavaliauskaitė
24 years old - Lithuania - SPECIFIC dancer 21/23
I really like Loris approach to the lessons, dance and movement. It made me curious because in that way I can go deeper in some qualities of the movement, like dynamics and speed
Giulia Morandi
24 years old - Italy - SPECIFIC dancer 22/24
In this program, we learn not only some technics of ballet and contemporary dance, but also some technics of hip-hop or africain dance with Loris. Loris, our teacher, combined these skills into every exercises. It helps us to prepare ourselves for the next state of our dance life
Peaceful and beautiful are the words that I would say for Tuscania and it absolutely matched with my imagination about Europe.
James Shing-Mu Cheng
21 years old - Taiwan - SPECIFIC dancer 22/23
When I came here in 2020, I wanted to do just one year of training, but over time I realized how much this program could help me grow physically and artisticallyThis path has been a blessing, let’s say, as it broadened my horizons.
Giulia Vago
23 years old - Italy - SPECIFIC dancer 20/23
I like the fact that it is an international programme and that people come from many different places.
I feel that from that point on I can improve the rest of my movement, including my artistic skills and performance
I like Tuscania because it is very quiet, I like being able to get everywhere walking.
Luciana Galli
21 years old - Uruguay - SPECIFIC dancer 22/23
I came here, because i wanted to improve my weaknesses, and also to research what dance can be for me. And also to be inspired by new people.
To see everyone mix and improve individually and find their own stuff is super
Siemke Van Reyn
19 years old - Belgium - SPECIFIC dancer 22/23
I choose to stay in the 2° year and continue my path, as I have seen real changes in my body
and in the way I approach movement. So I thought it was essential to follow this path and give it a precise end. I also find it essential at some point in my life to pause and focus on dance, movement and study.
Anna Di Bari
27 years old - Italy - SPECIFIC dancer 20/23
I decided to join the program in order to learn elements referring to contemporary dance technique, live the experience of many different nationalities and the collaboration with people who have different levels in technique.
Anastasia Georga
32 years old - Greece - SPECIFIC dancer 21/24
It is athletic, it shows you how to move your own body and do acro. It is going very well. I am learning to discover myself and how to move. l am learning new techniques that I didn’t know before
Clara Herzl
18 years old - Belgium - SPECIFIC dancer 22/23
It's great because I feel like we're all coming from different backgrounds, different places, different techniques... And I also think it's great to be mixed with the second and third years, it's very encouraging and makes us want to go forward with them.
Mina Clair
23 years old - France - SPECIFIC dancer 21/24
Tuscania is beautiful and I love it, is really small and we are all here very united, which makes me feel like home.
Luana Matus
23 years old - Uruguay - SPECIFIC dancer 22/23
There is a beautiful energy from everyone,
we are all very focused on what we are doing , and this beautiful energy creates a good environment, a good way to work
Asia Marchi
20 years old - Italy - SPECIFIC dancer 22/24
I had already heard about FRAMES movement system, that really interested me and I had heard really good things about.
I am really looking forward to explore the system further, because in this way I consider that I will be able to express and get out all my physical potential.
Rut Nache Lopez
22 years old - Spain - SPECIFIC dancer 22/23
For me, SPECIFIC is the opportunity to dedicate myself entirely to dance. It's a kind of parenthesis in which I can really take the time to question myself, explore, construct and deconstruct in order to evolve.
Chloé Schach
25 years old - Switzerland - SPECIFIC dancer 23/24
SPECIFIC is a place where we take time to understand the movement. Indeed there is moments of choreography or memorisation which we must be fast to memorise quickly. But sometimes, when we work on pure technique or movement’s dynamic -learning how to make better turns, jumps...- we have time to understand slowly.
So it’s a nice program because there is advices, general returns and we have time to understand what is happening in our body.
Ael Boudehent Le Bideau
18 years - France - SPECIFIC dancer 23/24
I chose to join the program because when I went for the audition I loved the dynamic of the group and of the lesson. It was intensive, it’s what I was looking for and what I needed so it was obvious for me to join this kind of training pretty intense and athletic
People comes from so many places around the world and I found this really inspiring, because we are feed by a lot of things, by the teachers but also by the students with who we work. So for me all of this is super rich! And it’s really dynamic and we are working hard but we are having a lot of fun also!
Lou Esnault
19 years old - France - SPECIFIC dancer 22/24
SPECIFIC is a really good opportunity to learn and work new techniques and a language in dancing that I think I need for my career. It's also a space that allowed me to confront a lot of things regarding my body, my technique and my approach to movement. And finally it's also a safe place where I have the impression I've learned a lot in a little time with efficiency, so for me it's all beneficial.
I think those people who seek something or want to train more in details their technique, language and physicality, they will find all these elements in the program. It's a very complete program, it has a great and coherent pedagogy in the way it's brought to the students, so we find a right balance between what we learn, theory and practice. That's why it's really a gift for any kind of dancer whatever the age, the level.
Dinu Corminbeuf
28 years old - Switzerland - SPECIFIC dancer 23/24
For me, Specific is an amazing program that gives us the opportunity to relearn how to move with more awareness. This way, we realize that to grow in dance, all we need is to move with greater consciousness.
So, I recommend this program to everyone curious and committed to dance, wanting to grow artistically, professionally, personally. It leads to all these types of development, and experiencing it all in such a beautiful, calm city allows us to focus intensely on the program and truly feel the improvement.
Plus, a significant bonus for me is being surrounded by people from around the world, giving us incredibly cool experiences beyond the program in our day-to-day lives.
Clarice Franco Ferreira Vilas Boas
24 years - Brasil - SPECIFIC dancer 23/24
For me, this training is a real life experience, a real complete experience where you come to meet yourself, to question your habits, your dance, to find answers to your questions about how the body works, how movement works.
There are people from all over the world, of all ages, and this diversity creates something that for me is very harmonious.
I expected the program to be good, but it goes beyond my expectations in terms of pedagogy, philosophy... It's appropriate whatever our dance background. It has a very coherent progression, the pedagogy is very advanced, very interesting.
It allows us to really look for keys that will unlock things that allow us to go further and further! Further and further.
The lecturers are also of the highest quality. And there's a sense of professionalism, whether it's from the teaching team, the external contributors, the external choreographers, or the students. And all this creates a working environment conducive, a very benevolent atmosphere, and at the same time light-hearted.
Neal Verschelde
35 years - France - SPECIFIC dancer 23/24
To watch the videos of the porgram and of all the activities of Compagnia Petrillo Danza / Loris Petrillo Program, visit

Tuscania (VT) / Italy