Terra (Heart)
is a photographic project that springs from a collaboration between Loris Petrillo and Mimmo Pepe, a photographer of excellent artistic quality who works in the area of Puglia. Hundreds of images of the splendid panorama of the Murgia (Bari) of bodies in movement: blown by the wind, immersed in overgrown fields or wedged into the rock of ancient ‘trulli’ dwellings. These evocative images, captured with eloquent sensitivity and objectivity by the artist Mimmo Pepe, saturated with characteristics, odours and memories of a distant, turn TERRA into a unique and widely acclaimed project.
Compagnia Petrillo Danza
Creation for 2 dancers
Production MDA Produzioni Danza/Compagnia Petrillo Danza
In collaboration with Danzarte
Choreogrpaher and director: Loris Petrillo
Musics AA VV
Light design: Loris Petrillo
Que se passe-t-il?
Compagnia Petrillo Danza
Creation for 1 dancer
Production Compagnia Petrillo Danza
Choreographer: Loris Petrillo
Musics: Maja Ratkje
“Que se passe-t-il?” portrays a woman who, in trying to find a place for herself in the apparent uncertainty and difficulty of the human condition, pursues her most intimate divinatory means, her intuition. It’s thanks to her intuition and her instinct that the truth about things can be discovered, to know what there is to know and to see what there is to see, and therefore, choosing; finding oneself at a crossroads, to choose metaphorically which of the two is the right one.
Fruits Box
Asphalt/Compagnia Petrillo Danza
Creation for 7 dancers
Production Compagnia Petrillo Danza
Choreographer: Loris Petrillo
Fruit Box is a dazzling, energetic pièce underscored by humour; it’s a game of insistent rhythms created by the dancers’ bodies and voices as they constantly relate to the crates of colourful friut flung into the air, or set on top of one another, balancing to form a tower, or arranged into a vulnerable singer’s podium.
Anatomia di un dolore (2002)
Asphalt/Compagnia Petrillo Danza
(Festival “Il Coreografo Elettronico” – Naples)
ProductionCompagnia Petrillo Danza
Choreographer: Loris Petrillo
Merlino l'Incantatore (2002)
Asphalt/Compagnia Petrillo Danza
Production Compagnia Petrillo Danza
Choreographer: Loris Petrillo
Musics: Nyman, Pontes, Goldenthal, Patton, Archive
première Teatro Comunale di Modena
Blood's colour (2001)
Asphalt/Compagnia Petrillo Danza
Production Compagnia Petrillo Danza
In collaboration with Tuscania Teatro
Choreographer: Loris Petrillo
Odore di terra (2000)
Asphalt/Compagnia Petrillo Danza
Production Compagnia Petrillo Danza
In collaboration with Tuscania Teatro
Choreographer: Loris Petrillo
Other creations