international contemporary dance workshop

is the meeting directed by Loris Petrillo, that brings together dancers from all over the world and hosts international artists of the contemporary scene.

athletic and artistic training for contemporary dancers

is the advanced training program by Loris Petrillo,  open to dancers who desire to enter an advanced professional training in contemporary dance

Movement System

is the workshop based on the methodology created by the choreographer Loris Petrillo

intensive training program for young dancers

is the intensive open  to young dancers from 15 years old, selected especially for ability and talent, and dedicated to the FOCUS on Compagnia Petrillo Danza

summer dance outdoor workshop

is the workshop for dancers based on the outdoor physical training, designed to take mainly place in the suggestive natural setting

La Macchina Emotiva
experiential process

is the in-depth workshop on the educational pathway for dancers