international advanced dance program
directed by Loris Petrillo,
School of Art recognised by Lazio region
with a cast di guest teachers & choreographers
within Loris Petrillo Program,
the company project dedicated to contemporary dance education
organized with Anonima Teatri
SPECIFIC is open to the dancers aged 18 and over who desire to enter advanced professional training in contemporary dance and to expand their artistic, technical and performative background, getting ready to embark in the professional career.
The program lasts for 3 years and you can attend 1, 2 or 3 years.
It is for a limited number of participants. Access is by audition.

SPECIFIC is open to the dancers aged 18 and over who desire to enter advanced professional training in contemporary dance and to expand their artistic, technical and performative background, getting ready to embark in the professional career.
SPECIFIC lasts for 3 years and you can attend 1,2 or 3 years.
It is for a limited number of participants. Access is by audition.

Study program and identity
Programma di studio e identità
Subjects covered over the years at SPECIFIC
Core subjects
Complementary subjects

The foundational methodology of the program
Starting from the methodology adopted and created by the founder and Director Loris Petrillo, SPECIFIC trains dancers able independently to handle their own body.
During the program, the dancers are stimulated to develop their potential through a proper athletic and artistic preparation, which is essential to achieve a very powerful performance in both physical and expressive sense.
The SPECIFIC program provides for a daily training based on the study of the mechanics of body in movement and on continuous attempts that allow the dancers to concretely experiment the infinite possibilities of movement suggested by the application of the physical and mechanical laws.
Thus the training is composed by specific exercises designed to acquire practical and theoretical tools so that the dancer can achieve high technical and performing skills, coupled with other exercises which require a significant emotional approach, in order to encourage dancers to integrate their own sensitivity.
Core subjects
Among the subjects are those disciplines essential for achieving a high level of physical performance, allowing the dancer to mature his own abilities and uniqueness during the process of improvement, reaching a level of autonomy that enable him to express his potential in different contexts and choreographic languages, while laying a solid foundation for his professional future.
Complementary subjects
Complementary study subjects allow dancers to enrich their artistic background through the learning of cross-disciplinary elements from other fields, nowadays, indispensable instruments to be dancers/performers capable of mastering all the performative dimensions of the body.

Over the years, the participants in the program have come from all over the world:
Colombia, India, Lithuania, La Réunion, France, Uruguay, Israel, Poland, UK, Brasil, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland
Chile, Denmark, Austria, Portugal, Taiwan, Argentina, Spain, Russia, Germany, Greece, Messico, Netherlands, Ukraine, South Africa, Canada

Loris Petrillo trains contemporary dancers with notable technical and performing abilities for years: at the end of a study period with him, most of them have begun the career, joining in the staff of prestigious Italian and European companies.
The dancers who followed a dance training with Loris Petrillo worked for:
Akram Khan Company | Cie Emilio Calcagno | Balletto Civile | Keneish Dance | Zerogrammi | Theater Pforzheim | Compagnia Virgilio Sieni | Compagnie Zemiata | Compagnia Zappalà Danza | Compagnia Muxarte | Compagnia Petranura Danza | Cie Twain | SineSpazio | Compagnia Francesca Selva | Deja Donné | Compagnia Giovanna Velardi | Compagnia DNA | Tanz Company Gervasi